As we have discussed in our previous blogs, recording the calls at your business or office can be a useful tool. It allows you to review how your employees engage the clients/customers and the success or struggles of your sales team. However, before you hit the record button, it’s important to know law for recording phone conversations. Here is a breakdown of the Alabama state code as it applies to recording phone conversations:
Unlawful eavesdropping is regarded as overhearing or recording of the contents of a private communication without consent of at least one of the individuals involved in the communication. The statute has been established as a right to privacy in communications, especially a right not to have communications overheard, recorded or disclosed without consent.
Criminal eavesdropping is regarded as the intentional use of a “device” to overhear or record communications, whether the eavesdropper is present or not, without one party’s consent. Criminal eavesdropping is considered a misdemeanor according to Alabama code. Knowingly divulging information obtained through illegal eavesdropping is considered a misdemeanor as well. It’s noted that misdemeanors in Alabama carry a maximum one year jail sentence.
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